Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons.. :P From Valkyrie ll :
From Valkyrie ll: "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons"... :P
“We need you on the team for air cover.” Gil looked to the Dragon, who in her Human form, wore a simple frock and carried a basket of rocks down the stairs, nothing like what you’d expect a creature such as herself to adorn. She was beautiful, even when covered in all those ruby-red scales, but to see her as she was now, was almost humbling. She helped where she could, with no qualms toward the job asked of her. Such a magnificent and noble spirit, kind and caring… “Me?” She replied, careful not to drop her load. “You’ve got the firepower we need.” He smiled, hoping to win her affections once more and add her to the team. Cybelle thought about it for a time, all the way down the stairs and out across the courtyard, then replied with a smile of her own. “I’d be glad to help, but I fear, before I do anything, I must feed.” She shook her head. “If I grow hungry, you Humans begin to look quite tasty.” “Oh!” “I can go a day, maybe two, before the hunger sets in.” “And what, may I inquire, do Dragon’s eat? Or, do you consume food like a normal person, I mean…” He added quickly. “… not that you’re not normal or anything, just, you’re a Dragon. You have needs. Big, needs….” He shook his head. “Shit, I should have just let Mist do the talking.” “Not at all, in fact, you are doing better than most.” “I am?” He muttered, standing at the edge of the courtyard with his mouth open and his brows raised. “Most are too terrified to even approach me in Dragon form.” Cybelle laughed and made down the path to the main gates. “Others are well enough with my Human façade, until the scales come out. There are but a few with the courage to do what you did, and the continued existence of our friendship means a lot to me. I do not have many friends, as you can tell from the previous company I kept. It is nice to have friends, to help where I can. I would hate to lose one, to the hunger.” What a lovely image of friendship, right up until the part where she chomps your head off and picks her teeth with your bones. Where could he find a herd of sheep? Gil’s mind thought of a million questions in his sudden panic. Cows, maybe? He’d need to talk to Alara about this. As Queen of the Elves, she had access to resources that Gil couldn’t even dream of. Perhaps she had a few cellars full of Dragon-kibble lying about? “Let me see what I can do, my lady. Somebody around here must have a herd to spare. We don’t want to upset folks by, you know, eating them?” “Gil, I was joking about eating Humans.” She laughed and set the basket of stones down at the guard house. “Oh, really?” He asked, somewhat relieved and yet even more curious than ever. “Pardon my saying, but your kind do not taste very good; they are far too tough and stringy.” “Really?” He let out again, a little disappointed at the thought of Humans being second rate side-dishes. “Really! The only thing worse is Goblin hide. I’m still trying to get that taste out of my mouth.” She shook her head and for a second. Gil thought she was about to vomit. “I’m, uh, sorry we don’t taste good.” Gil said quietly, trying his best to avoid imagining what Goblins tasted like. “Goblins? Bleech! I didn’t need that image in my head this early in the morning.” He shuddered. “Give me some time and we’ll get you settled with some livestock.” “Thank you, Gil, for everything.” She grinned, but something told Gil she had more to be thankful for, than a good meal. “Uh, before I go, how is the egg?” He let out with a flush on his cheeks.