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"Tell us more!" they said, and I answered.

Hi, my name is Mark McQuillen, and you've found your way here, so welcome, to my madhouse.


    I can barely believe this!
    When I started this process, Oh Gods, it's been months, years even; I can't remember, I've been lost in my own world, with the Valkyries, for a while now. Regardless, I never could have imagined what an emotional roller coaster ride this would be; and you guys, the fans, you guys absolutely blow my mind with all your support. Thank You, for everything!
                                               Now, a little about me...

    I was born in 1958, at Malestrom AFB, in Great Fall's, Mt.
   Born and raised in a military family, we moved around a lot, so I got a taste of pretty much, everywhere. I got to see and do things that no other child had been able to, and I watched the struggles and triumphs of those around me.
   One of these struggles, was PTSD, and I was keenly aware of what it could do to family, and the friends that surrounded them. It's a Bitch, I'm not gonna lie, and I kept that in mind when writing the books. I wanted my readers to feel, learn, and laugh, as the characters unfolded before their eyes.
    Gil Swanson, is one of those characters, and an epic combination of many things; including my Father and friends, and people that I served with during my own stint in the military. I write from the heart, for it is the only way to truly express the story, and I'm still trucking along on my journey, and I look forward to having you all come with me.
    Remember to 'Be careful of what you say and do in life, for you never truly know who's watching.'


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