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The Madhouse has been busy.... New Covers and upgrades for the Valkyrie Series

What started out as two separate story lines that had merged into one, comes a total revamp of the entire series and corresponding side tales. We know what you're thinking and you should relax, for the story hasn't changed at all, it's just been expanded, edited and the books re-covered. Each book will bear the markings of an epic award-winning adventure

The first to go through this change, Mark McQuillen's Valkyrie: Darkness Awaits. What was once a tale of an ex-solider with PTSD, who befriends a Valkyrie and embarks on an epic adventure to take back Ghost Mountain and rescue the Gods, will see the addition of new story line, new and returning characters, and a better feel of the world Mr. McQuillen has created. As we said above, the original story line remains unchanged and we see Gil embark on his journey with his Valkyrie at his side, the only difference being that his story is now being watched by his niece, Tisiphone. Two hundred years into the future, Tisiphone, daughter of the Valkyrie, Malice, and the dark lord, Nyx, must watch the past in order to prepare for what may lay ahead. The darkness has returned and she fears her mother has once again become trapped in its clutches. The Elders are keeping secrets, her mother is missing and she has no choice but to watch the story unfold as she tries to piece it all together.

From Valkyrie: Darkness Awaits to The Devil's Daughters Crossover: The Awakening (THAT'S 14 BOOKS..... Oh, my!) Tisiphone will search for answers and hopefully learn some cool new tricks along the way; and don't worry, your ebooks should automatically update and those who purchased paperback are eligible for a new copy. We'll have more to share with you on that topic, in another blog!!!

Want a little sneaky peek at the revision????? From Valkyrie: Darkness Awaits...

It was after nightfall when Malice arrived in what remained of the Goblin camp. Everything around her had been incinerated. The few that survived the calamity were huddled together in the caves, shaking in terror at her very presence. The only one that stood as she approached was their war leader, Zander. Such a vile little scum-bag, he made Malice’s stomach turn just from looking at him. According to their masters, she and the pathetic excuse for a soldier were considered equals, but there was no way she could ever compare herself to such as slimy, insignificant little mongrel like Zander. The things he did when no one was watching, the feel-goods he got when he… Malice shook the nasty thoughts from her mind, disgusted at the bastard’s parlor tricks. The masters care not about his actions, only that he acquired results. Looks like he failed this time, which put Malice higher on their useful list than Zander. Soon enough though, she wouldn’t have to worry about Zander, his hordes, or her stupid rank on the list. All she wanted, was Marena. “Tell me again, Zander, what happened to your forces?” She laughed and shook her head. Their masters were not going to be pleased that their new golden child had fucked up, royally. She was thrilled to revel in his demise, but she couldn’t afford to let the troops see it. She was cold. She was fierce. She could pick them off one by one and use their bones to clean her teeth. They needed to fear her, in order to follow her. “As I said before, Dread Mistress, we were regrouping for the next attack, as the master’s commanded…” His eyes grew wide and he began to shake. “… when that Dragon called us all to arms, then took the air. We thought we were heading for battle, but she turned, reigning fire down on the lot of us.” He paused a moment to collect himself and Malice used the moment to mock him some more. “Yet here you are, unscathed and blubbering before me, while your men lay lifeless in the fields with no one to collect their souls.” She glared at him with a spark of hatred in her eyes, but only he could see it. Putrid, sniveling little weasel would get what was coming to him; and when it did, she would pay him back in full for every nasty little hand he’d lain on her. The time of Zander was almost at an end and her punishment would be over. She had only wait to hear what the masters would say and then poof, that wretched bastard would be hers to toy with. “So, out with it! Why are they dead, while you still draw breath?” She stood before him and crossed her arms over her chest. “Or, should we wake one of them, find out what really happened?”

Find out more when Valkyrie: Darkness Awaits is re-released or keep an eye out for more posts! Here's a look at what was and what will be......

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