An excerpt and the New Cover for Valkyrie 1!
The latest excerpt for Valkyrie 1..the book sits as of 5:16 pm cdt is 120,000 words..This excerpt give me chills..Gil's like Eek! :P The party had gone off without incident with all enjoying themselves, especially Gil. There were drinks, friends, laughter and more. Everything he could have hoped for was there before him and little Robin was the hit of the evening. He sang beautifully, song after song, with his clear, tenor voice, finding praise with the Elven bards themselves. His mother was overjoyed, receiving comments that the boy would one day perform for the royal courts, a noble and safe position with a manner of purpose. With her mind tempered and Alara’s court bard, an Alf named Delgon, boasting the importance of music for all to hear, Gil wondered how long it would be before the female found herself wrought with worry once more. Bards were known for their talents, on and off the battlefields. Sure enough, Delgon drew in close to little Robin’s mother and told her it would be years before her son would be of age to go on his own, but that the day would come. “His fate could lead him on many paths.” He added, catching the frown on Gil’s face as he approached and it seemed to comfort her to think her son had choices. “When I grow up…” Little Robin was talking to Rob as he too approached his mother. “…I want to be just like Lord Gil!” He beamed, sending his mother into a tizzy. Gil spoke up. “I’m a bad example to follow, Robin. Being a soldier is not all that it’s made out to be. You’re cold, hungry, in the middle of nowhere and often alone. Then there are the wounds, watching your friends die and not knowing whether you’re going to be alive tomorrow to bury them properly.” As he spoke, he showed the boy the wound he received in his last mission. The bullet had left an ugly scar in his shoulder and a reminder to always watch your back. Robin reached out and traced the scar with his fingers, his face serious. “Did it hurt?” The boy asked. His mother looked on with a disapproving stare until Mist laid her hand on the other woman’s shoulder. “He needs to hear the truth for himself.” “Yes, it did. So, if you want to be a soldier, this is what you can expect. There’s no such thing as a glorious death in battle, and more often than not, it’s gruesome and rather messy.” Gil finished as the boy nodded. Jack and Morant nodded, confirming what Gil had said to be true. The ex-soldier hoped that the message had gotten through, but only time would tell. Hopefully this war wouldn’t last long enough for the boy to have to make that final choice, and as he made for the bar across the room, he shook his head. He needed a drink after that ordeal, having drudged up some rather hideous memories of his own. Fortunately, the ever-resourceful, Jack, had brought some of the good stuff and by the look on his face, he was willing to share. It wasn’t bad for being homebrewed, but the after taste left something to be desired. Jack laid his hand on Gil’s shoulder as he watched Robin now talking with the bard and his mother. “You did the best you could, son.” He sighed, handing the leather-covered flask to Gil for another swig. “You told him the truth. The final choice is his to make, and his alone.” He bowed his head and raised his flask. “May this war be short.” The male finished and downed what was left. “He doesn’t know what to do, and that makes two of us.” Gil sighed, noting the presence of Tomoe and Senna. Both were dressed in gowns of green, though Tomoe’s came only to her knees and she donned an elegant pair of leggings created entirely out of lace. The stitching was divine and had Gil mesmerized as she approached, swinging her hips. “You need to stop Malice before the war she wants, drags us all into the abyss.” Tomoe said as she sipped her drink. “Cut the head off the snake before it bites us…” Senna spoke with venom in her voice. Mist came to Gil’s rescue, as he seemed to be at a loss for words. “His presence is enough for me. You need not tell him what his job is.” “I’ll take care of her. I’ll get the job done.” Gil promised suddenly weary as his head clouded. The job was becoming harder by the day. Alliances were being held together by slender threads and he had to wonder if Malice, or someone else, could be working behind the scenes, influencing events so that he might fail. He trusted Mist and Sif, completely, but what about the others, or even Morant? “Don’t go down that road, Gil.” Sif and Mist said together as if speaking with one voice. “If you do, Malice has already won, seeding mistrust and poisoning your mind. They’re getting anxious, that is all.” Sif pointed out. “Senna especially. She is concerned with the Aesir. She has served them as long as I have and finds it hard to believe they could be captured so easily. She is sure there is a spy, but has no clue who it could be, so, she studies everyone.” Mist finished and Sif held his hand as Senna stormed away. She didn’t make it far before Robert had taken her aside, speaking quickly and quietly. From her expression, he was reading her the riot act and Gil felt responsible for her scolding. “It’s alright, Robert.” He called out to his partner when there was pause in little Robin’s latest rendition, causing his friend to approach his escort. Morant bowed his head and then spoke in a quiet voice. “I was reminding her that she should have more faith in you. I’ve tried to explain how awkward and insane it is for you to be here, among those you once thought dead, but she lets her worry consume her.” “It’s more than a little disconcerting to have folks that you know are dead, come up and talk you into fighting a war with them, like I didn’t just attend their funeral and reminisce with their family and friends about old times, when they were, you know, alive?” Gil admitted, though the chuckle he let out at the end was pathetic at best. “Even Jack, for fucks sake, a man I never met, whose medals and achievements line the walls of a house he built, a house I lived in, for him….” “I’m sorry, Gil.” Senna said at last as she looked down at her shoes. Gil reached out and gently raised her chin so her eyes could meet his. “It’s alright, Senna. Mist has explained your concerns.” “They are more than concerns. If the Aesir…” Her voice cut off and she turned to Rob for comfort. “Malice is not stupid enough to kill any of the Aesir. They’re her bargaining chip. Without them to hold against you, the Valkyrie would have descended on her a long time ago.” “She’s a recent development. We don’t know where she came from…” Senna admitted and both Mist and Gil turned to one another. They knew, something. It was enough to begin piecing together the tid-bits and try to make some sense of it all. Gil’s brow furrowed and Mist’s eyes turned a soft blue as she remembered what Ashe had said. “At first, there were only rumors. A darkness was spreading.” She started. “Then, Ashe came to us with her tale off terror, that darkness had a name and she had taken everything from Ashe.” “And before that?” Rob inquired. “What do the villagers say? The Druids?” “None of them know where she came from. The storms had driven everyone inside the mountain, when they were said to have passed, the keep was under new rule and darkness was sitting on the throne.” “And there are no scrolls, no writings…” He added, looking around at the lot of them. “There has to be word of her, somewhere. Someone had to have given birth to her.” Perhaps, that had gone a little too far, for the bar had grown silent and all who surrounded them looked to the floor. “I will call a full session of the Valkyrie’s council. It’s time for them to meet you, either way.” Senna sighed, then offered a small smile. Gil wasn’t sure if he was looking forward to, or was terrified of, this upcoming meeting. He imagined hundreds of them, all with cold, glowing eyes looking at him mercilessly as the one that got away. “Let’s enjoy the rest of the party. Let these concerns rest for tomorrow.” Tomoe reminded them as she past by with a platter in hand. It was hard to concentrate on the party. All those souls enjoying themselves as he stood their contemplating their upcoming demise. They needed to know more about Malice. They needed to know where she came from. Who was she before she became the darkness? Was she really, Mist’s sister? The room grew dark, and for a moment, he swore he could see the mist forming all around them. He tried to call out, to warn them, anyone… ‘We will move them. Hide them away. We’ve enough Shadows to take their places.’ The voices swirled about in his mind and before he knew what was happening, he was face to face with five, incredibly beautiful and incredible deadly females. ‘And Malice has approved of this?’ The tallest of the five let out, stepping forward as drawing a blade from her long, snow-white hair. ‘Malice knows nothing of this, nor will she. If he was ever to pluck this from her thoughts, not even Marwolaeth could protect her.’ Gil was unsure of who was speaking, though the voice sounded very familiar. ‘We, are the Shak’Morikai. We serve Malice, most gracious host to the fallen.’ The female replied. ‘What you ask, will turn the tables of this war.’ ‘What I ask, is for you to help me free them both. He will use them, until there is nothing left. I have seen…’ She paused a moment and Gil could feel the emotions welling inside of her. ‘What have you seen, Marena? What have your visions shown you?’ A second sister stepped forward. ‘He will betray us. All of us, starting with her.’ ‘That, cannot happen.’ ‘Then you must do as I ask. Take this scroll and deliver it to her should I…’ ‘He will not harm you, my Lady! We will see too it you are well protected.’ ‘She will find me again, of this I have no doubt, and that scroll will help her.’ ‘You are insane, Marena.’ ‘No, Wa’lihn, I am in love.’ Marena sighed and turned towards the door. ‘What of the Shadows?’ ‘Escort them to the portal and see they are well taken care of. We will send them through to Ghost Mountain with Malice. None will be the wiser…’ ‘She has orders to kill them.’ One voice let out. ‘If she is found out, she will be demoted.’ Came another. ‘Then she will be ordered to return to the Shadowkeep, where I can set her free.’ Marena filled with a joy like no other. ‘Why the scroll? Why the sacrifice? You know they will kill you, just like they killed our mentor. Why not run, with her? Let us protect you both.’ ‘With that scroll, and the help of those we set free, Malice will be able to undo all that our masters have done. She will be free to claim her vengeance, and so too, will Marwolaeth.’ ‘And what if the Gods don’t help her? What if, by switching them, you destroy us all?’ Another of the sisters came forward. ‘They are not just Gods, Lo’rell. They were once like us, but they too, escaped their master’s grasp. Trust me, they will help her.’ ‘We will take your scroll, and we will see it into her hands.’ Wa’linh closed her eyes and bowed her head. ‘And when the masters come to claim your head for what you have done, we will remember your sacrifice.’ ‘I want only for her to be free. To be returned to her own kind, so they can rise up against the madness. Now go, see that the Shadows are brought forth.’ ‘Can you trust them?’ ‘I trust no one, but Malice and those in this room.’ Marena replied and made for the door. ‘And when the Shadows turn on you?’ ‘I am counting on it, my friend.’ Marena smiled and watched as they all vanished from the room, then opened the door and made her way down the hall… “Gil?” Mist’s voice had him shaking his head, only to find himself in a chair in his room. “Gil, are you alright?” She asked again and he could see the concern in her eyes. “What happened?” He asked in return, his eye coming into focus as she stared about the room. “We were hoping, you could tell us!” Rob was the next to speak, but Gil was staring at Mist. “What did they see?” “All of it!” She replied, leaning in to give him a kiss. “But rest assured we moved you as quickly as possible.” “We?” He muttered, eyeing not only Rob and Mist, but Sif, Senna, Tomoe, Jack and Freya. “Shit!” He groaned, rubbing at his eyes. “I was not expecting that.” He groaned and let his hand run down his face. “Neither were we!” Senna shook her head. “It wasn’t Malice!” He added, rising from the chair. “No, it wasn’t, but we did get a glimpse into her life…” Senna replied, eyeing Mist. “…did you know of this?” “Know of what? That she was captured and forced to serve the darkness? Or that she is my sister?” Mist hissed back at her. “Because up until a few days ago, I believed she was a heathen of darkness, just as you did.” “A few days ago? Really? And you thought not to share this information?” “She did!” A voice called out over the commotion and all but Mist, turned toward the door and gasped. “Great Lady!” Senna let out and curtsied as the new arrival made her way into the room, looking a hell of a lot like Mist as she approached. “It would seem, three thousand years is too long a time to sit back and let the realm live for itself.” The female smiled, and all took a knee before her, but Gil. “My love, may I present, Lady Ashlyn, Grand Priestess of the Realm.” Mist smiled and took the female’s hand in her own. “And my mother.” Her mother? The female looked to be no older than Mist herself… And the pic is the Fives version of the Valkyries armor... :P